
Showing posts from May, 2020

DL with Pytorch - Week 1

Done with Assignment 1 🤩🎉😎🎊 Learnt about some functions of PyTorch tensors. The attached Jupyter Notebook contains a detailed explanation. Have a look at it.

Day 12, 13 and 14 - Daily Dev Diary

I was contributing to open source a lot since past few days. Now, I am getting less time⏳ to write my Daily Dev Diary so, I will be noting down my experience/achievements/etc., in sticky notes, and will be writing the blog once a week.  So, in the past few days, I have contributed to Coding Blocks open-source projects through BOSS'20 and learned some basics about writing dockerfiles and good practices related to it. Few links which I referred to regarding these topics have been shared in my previous post . Due to increased time spent in open-source contributions, I completely ignored the `DL with Python` blog📝 and assignment of that course. But was reminded about the assignment submission deadline by so, I just started the assignment and my target is to at least complete the assignment and write the blog regarding this. And if I still get some time I will make progress in Udacity FSND. Also, I was selected in GirlScript's `The Uplift Project`, let's see👀 what we...

Day 11 - Daily Dev Diary

Today I gave my college exam very well and contributed to open source development.  Also, I got rejected😕 by Facebook today for an internship I applied. But I got an interview call for a full-time Web Developer intern role from GCIDT . Hoping to get a positive➕ reply. I progressed in my Udacity course and I am to complete ASAP, so, that I can start my assignment of DL course. Also, I tried contacting💬 the Django team/mentors regarding GSoD'20 which I am thinking to apply for. So, tomorrow's target is to progress in the Udacity course and contribute to open source. Here are some interesting blogs/articles which I found useful while dealing with an issue regarding rerunning of `npm install` command on every `docker build`.

Day 8, 9 and 10 - Daily Dev Diary

So, this is a combination of 3 days diaries. Actually, I didn't want to break my 7 days streak of blogging, but due to fatigue🥱 I was unable to do so.  So, I took this Sunday off and relaxed by sleeping early and waking up a bit late compared to other days. So, in the past 2 days I majorly helped in family chores and household works. Also, I contributed to GSSoC'20 and open source as a whole. I also started 🏁 a course "Deep Learning with PyTorch: Zero to GANs" by in collaboration with FreeCodeCamp. The first session of the course was on 23rd May at 09:00pm IST. It was a 2hr long lecture with an intro to PyTorch. The course will span over 6 weeks with 1 lecture each week and remaining week we will have to solve assignments and play around with what was taught and write our experience in a blog. So, I will be starting another blog series named "DL with PyTorch" for this course. I am really excited😍 about this course. Also, it was very dishearten...

Day 7 - Daily Dev Diaries

Today was an awesome day, most of the time I was working open source contributions and while waiting for reviews I was working on progressing🏃‍♂️ in Datacamp course. Completed around 3 courses in the Data Scientist track today only but, unfortunately wasn't able to complete the track consisting of 26 courses and in a few hours⏰ the free week of Datacamp will be over. Also, a lot of my PR's got merged although there not large scale contributions but were some critical issues that I resolved. Tomorrow's target is to make progress in the Udacity course and complete my portfolio which is having placeholder texts and images waiting to be updated for more than a month now.😅

Day 6 - Daily Dev Diaries

So, today I was pretty much free from different small works I was having from the past 3 days, so I tried to complete the course on Datacamp as much as possible, also, made a lot of progress🏃‍♂️ in open source development. Although, I wasn't able to make any progress in the Udacity course.Although I might forget to mention yoga🧘‍♂️, form now on as it is now becoming my habit to do it on a daily basis. Also, today I got 2 rejection emails🥺: GirlScript Web Developer Internship Hewlett-Packard(HP) SDE intern I will try to improve more on my skill-set. I also got to know about the competition, Code League , organized by Shopee, an MNC. But the sad part was that it is for a limited set of countries, and my country is not amongst them, so, can't participate😔. Anyways, there are a lot of events organized worldwide, so, no issues😅. Tomorrow's goal is to complete the Datacamp course as tomorrow is the last day of free week. And also, contribute to open source as and...

Day 5 - Daily Dev Diary(Delayed)

Due to a lot of community work I was unable to create this post on time. So, yesterday I was able to make progress🏃‍♂️ on Datacamp and successfully gave my college exam. Then, I started contributing to GSSOC'20 of which I am a participant but was 😔not able to contribute for the past 2 months. Going back to open source contributions after a long time felt great😍. I will try to contribute as much as possible in the coming days. Also, I got 🎉selected for LUSIP'20 and will start working on the tasks as when assigned. So, we are expanding Script Foundation Bangalore Chapter , want to join us? Apply here  before 24th May 2020! Tomorrow's target is to make progress in Datacamp and Udacity course, increase open source contributions, do work related to the community(Script Foundation).

Day 4 - Daily Dev Diary

So, today I woke🌇 early the same as yesterday and was done with my Yoga🧘‍♂️ and exercise for the day by around 🕗 8 am. Got my Coursera PY4E specialization certificate, got to know that the Udacity Scholarship's Phase -2 in which I was not selected, one of the students whom I helped got selected and thanked me, it felt awwwesome😎. It made my day😊😇. I was able to setup my Udacity Nanodegree's GitHub repo and progress in my Datacamp course. My college exam went well. And got to know about a lot of opportunities in the open-source world will try to seize max. as time permits. In the evening, I came to know of a deadline to submit a college project and was able to successfully submit it before the deadline but that caused this delay in my today's post. So, overall today was a productive day with lots of happy moments😌🤗. Tomorrow's goal is to make progress on Datacamp and Udacity and give my college exam at around 4 or 5pm.

Day 3 - Daily Dev Diary

So, today I woke🌇 early compared to yesterday and was done with my Yoga🧘‍♂️ and exercise for the day by 🕗 8 am. Ate breakfast while watching Microsoft's intro to Python playlist . It's very good for learning the basics of Python, and if you are not a beginner then, you can have a quick look through the playlist to refresh🔁 your basics(like I did). Some of my key takeaways were - By default, packages are installed globally Virtual environments can be used to contain and manage package collections Creating a virtual environment # Install a virtual environment pip3 install virtualenv # Windows systems python3 -m venv <folder_name> # OSX/Linux (bash) virtualenv <folder_name> Conventionally, <folder_name> = venv Using a virtual environment # Windows systems # cmd.exe <folder_name>\Scripts\Activate.bat # Powershell <folder_name>\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # bash shell . ./<folder_name>/Scripts/activate # OSX/Linux (bash) <fold...

Day 2 - Daily Dev Diary

So, I was caught up in helping out my family members up till 11:30 am. But I managed to keep up my daily Yoga streak🧘‍♂️. After that started studying and then started studying Data Cleaning from the DataCamp. In the evening took the #30_days_coding_challenge pledge🙏 on Udacity, to code for at least 30 minutes daily, with that in mind I started progressing🏃‍♂️ in my Nanodegree and learned details about ORMs🧅 and it's sub-parts like dialects, connection-tool, engine, etc. Built a basic "Hello World" app in Flask and was modifying it while learning from the instructor and suddenly this idea struck me that why not create a git repo for the Nanodegree and update my file there instead of creating new file each time I make a small change, this will increase my GitHub contributions also😉, so, I took a pause and ate dinner while watching a youtube video on 5 Habits of leaders or something like that. The main thing that struck me was the habit of waking up at 5am🕔 . So, o...

Day 1 - Daily Dev Diary

Actually, the post is for yesterday, as it's already over 12o'clock. But, you know devs, the day is over when you sleep so, the title - Day 1 So, today, till noon I did my college Python Assignment📝 which was mostly based on OOPs concepts focusing on Inheritance. After I was done with the assignment I did some Yoga🧘‍♂️ and ate lunch🍱. Then, I started taking advantage of the 🤩free week provided by DataCamp to get started in the field of ML/DL and Data Science. Today I learned 2 major topics: Importing data from different file formats such as flat files(like .txt, .csv), files native to other software(like .xlsx, .dta, .sas7bdat, .mat) and from relational  databases such as SQLite and PostgreSQL. Cleaning Data which included concepts like diagnosing issues(such as outliers, missing values, and duplicate rows), reshaping and tidying data(using techniques such as pivoting and melting), and combining datasets. I was about to get bored🙄 of studying🙇‍♂️ when I decide... - A script to like Youtube videos

It's been a long time since my last post here, the reason being lack of time in my schedule. But, recently due to COVID I got some free time and thought of restarting the blog by posting at least one blog per day. These blogs are going to be more like a diary entry of what I have learned/built in a day. I will try to be as concise as possible. So, first in the series is "". It is a script I started working on the day before yesterday which changes the rating(👍 / 👎) of 20 latest videos of a channel as specified in the code by using the channel id of the channel whose video's ratings you want to change. This idea came to my mind when my mother insisted me to like my sister's newly created youtube channel . As I am a lazy guy🥱 and not interested to open each video and hit the like button, so, I thought of writing a script that would do the same for me. So, first of all, I started with reading the documentation of the python-youtube module but wasn...