Day 1 - Daily Dev Diary

Actually, the post is for yesterday, as it's already over 12o'clock. But, you know devs, the day is over when you sleep so, the title - Day 1
So, today, till noon I did my college Python Assignment📝 which was mostly based on OOPs concepts focusing on Inheritance.
After I was done with the assignment I did some Yoga🧘‍♂️ and ate lunch🍱.
Then, I started taking advantage of the 🤩free week provided by DataCamp to get started in the field of ML/DL and Data Science. Today I learned 2 major topics:

  1. Importing data from different file formats such as flat files(like .txt, .csv), files native to other software(like .xlsx, .dta, .sas7bdat, .mat) and from relational databases such as SQLite and PostgreSQL.
  2. Cleaning Data which included concepts like diagnosing issues(such as outliers, missing values, and duplicate rows), reshaping and tidying data(using techniques such as pivoting and melting), and combining datasets.
I was about to get bored🙄 of studying🙇‍♂️ when I decided to change the topic a little bit and started finishing off the Python Specialization by the University of Michigan on Coursera(still waiting for Dr. Chuck to assess DB assignment of the 4th course of the specialization). This refreshed my mind as I attempted the quizzes and did assignments(Only Honor Assignment remaining now).

Tomorrow's goal is to complete learning Data Cleaning from DataCamp and advance in my NanoDegree on Udacity which is also 🤩free only for this month 😜. 

Now it's getting really late so going to 🛌.


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